Gilbert, P. (1986) Depression in relation to cognitive psychobiology and behavioural strategies. British Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 4, 2-13.
Gilbert, P. (1986). Cognitive psychotherapy and social behaviour. British Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 4, 14-20.
Gilbert, P. (1988). Shame and Guilt. Changes, 6, 50-53.
Gilbert, P. (1991). Invited Essay: Depression: New books and conceptualisations of an old problem. British Journal of Psychology, 82, 119-126.
Gilbert, P. (1992). Defence, safety and biosocial goals in relation to the agonic and hedonic social modes. World Futures. Guest Editor: Chance, M. Journal of General Evolution (Special Edition). 35, 31-70.
Gilbert, P. (1993). Defence and safety: Their function in social behaviour and psychopathology. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 32, 131-153.
Gilbert, P. (1995). Power, social rank and depression: Comments on Price and Gardner. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 68, 211-215.
Gilbert, P. (1995). Biopsychosocial approaches and evolutionary theory as aids to integration in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2, 135- 156.
Gilbert, P. (1997). The evolution of social attractiveness and its role in shame, humiliation, guilt and therapy. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 70, 113-147.
Gilbert, P. (1998). Preface and Outline. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 71, 351-352.
Gilbert, P. (1998). Evolutionary psychopathology: Why isn’t the mind better designed than it is? British Journal of Medical Psychology, 71, 353-373.
Gilbert, P. (1998). The evolved basis and adaptive functions of cognitive distortions. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 71, 447-463.
Gilbert, P. (2000). The relationship of shame, social anxiety and depression: The role of the evaluation of social rank. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7, 174-189.
Gilbert, P. (2001). Evolutionary approaches to psychopathology: The role of natural defences. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 35, 17-27.
Gilbert, P (2001). Depression and stress: A biopsychosocial exploration of evolved functions and mechanisms Stress: The International Journal of the Biology of Stress, 4, 121-135.
Gilbert, P (2001). Evolution and social anxiety: The role of social competition and social hierarchies. In, F, Schnieder (eds) . Social Anxiety: Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 24, 723-751.
Gilbert, P. (2002). Understanding the biopsychosocial approach: 1. Conceptualisation. Clinical Psychology, 14. 13-17.
Gilbert, P. (2002). Understanding the biopsychosocial approach: 11. Individual and social interventions. Clinical Psychology, 15, 28-32.
Gilbert, P. (2002). Evolutionary approaches to psychopathology and cognitive therapy. In, P Gilbert (eds.) Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly (Special Edition: Evolutionary Psychology and Cognitive Therapy), 16, 263-294.
Gilbert, P. (2003). Evolution, social roles, and differences in shame and guilt. Social Research, 70, 1205-1230.
Gilbert P, (2004) A much needed macro level view: A commentary on Henriques’ “Psychology Defined”. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60, 1223-1226.
Gilbert, P, (2004). Evolution, attractiveness and the emergence of shame and guilt in a self-aware mind: A reflection on Tracy and Robins: Psychological Inquiry, 15, 132-135
Gilbert, P., (2004). Psychotherapies. Medicine: Psychiatry. 32: 8, 67 – 69.
Gilbert, P. (2004). Threat safeness and schizophrenia: Hidden issues in an evolutionary story Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 27, 858-859.
Gilbert, P. (2006). Evolution and depression: Issues and implications (invited review). Psychological Medicine, 36, 287-297.
Gilbert, P. (2006). Old and new ideas on the evolution of mind and psychotherapy. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 3, 135-153.
Gilbert, P. (2009). An introduction to compassion focused therapy. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 15, 199-208.
Gilbert, P. (2009). Moving beyond cognitive therapy. The Psychologist, 22, 400-403.
Gilbert, P. (2009). Compassionate Mind Training. Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, 9, 4, 11-15.
Gilbert, P. (2010). An introduction to compassion focused therapy in cognitive behavior therapy. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 3, 97-112.
Gilbert, P. (2014). The origins and nature of compassion focused therapy. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 53, 6-41. DOI:10.1111/bjc.12043
Gilbert. P. (2015). The evolution and social dynamics of compassion Journal of Social & Personality Psychology Compass, 9, 239–254. DOI: 10.1111/spc3.12176
Gilbert. P. (2015). An evolutionary approach to emotion in mental health with a focus on affiliative emotions. Emotion Review (special issues Normal and Abnormal Emotion. K Scherer, (ed.). 7, 230–237. DOI: 10.1177/1754073915576552
Gilbert, P. (2015). Affiliative and prosocial motives and emotions in mental health. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 17, 381-389.
With co-authors
Gilbert, P. & Allan, S. (1994). Assertiveness, submissive behaviour and social comparison. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 33, 295-306.
Gilbert, P. & Allan, S. (1998). The role of defeat and entrapment (arrested flight) in depression: an exploration of an evolutionary view. Psychological Medicine, 28, 584-597
Gilbert, P., Allan, S., Ball, L & Bradshaw, Z. (1996). Overconfidence and personal evaluations of social rank. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 69, 59-68.
Gilbert, P., Allan, S., Brough, S. & Melley, S Miles J. (2002). Anhedonia and positive affect: relationship to social rank, defeat and entrapment. Journal of Affective Disorders, 71, 141-151
Gilbert, P., Allan, S. & Goss, K. (1996). Parental representations, shame, interpersonal
problems, and vulnerability to psychopathology. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 3, 23-34.
Gilbert, P., Allan, S., Nicholls S & Olsen, K. (2005). The assessment of psychological symptoms of patients referred to Community Mental Health Teams: Distress chronicity and life interference: Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 12, 10 – 27.
Gilbert, P., Allan, S. & Pehl, J. (1994). The phenomenology of shame and guilt: An empirical investigation. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 67, 23-36.
Gilbert, P., Allan, S & Trent, D. (1995). Involuntary subordination or dependency as key
dimensions of depressive vulnerability. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, 740-752.
Gilbert, P, Allan, S. & Trent, D. (1996). A short measure of social and separation
anxiety. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 69, 155-161.
Gilbert, P., Baldwin, M., Irons, C., Baccus, J. & Palmer, M. (2006). Self-criticism and self-warmth: An imagery study exploring their relation to depression. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 20, 183-200
Gilbert, P., Bhundia, R Mitra, R., McEwan, K., Irons C & Sanghera, J (2007). Cultural differences in shame-focused attitudes towards mental health problems in Asian and non-Asian student women Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 10, 127-141.
Gilbert, P., Birchwood, M. Gilbert, J., Trower, P., Hay, J., Murray, B., Meaden, A Olsen, K., & Miles, J.N.V. (2001). An exploration of evolved mental mechanisms for dominant and subordinate behaviour in relation to auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia and critical thoughts in depression. Psychological Medicine 31, 1117-1127
Gilbert, P., Boxall, M., Cheung, M., Tuffield, V., & Irons, C. (2005) The relation of paranoid thinking and social anxiety in a mixed clinical population. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy,12, 124-133.
Gilbert, P., Broomhead, C., Irons, C, McEwan, K, Bellew, R., Mills, A & Gale, C. (2007). Striving to avoid inferiority: Scale development and its relationship to depression, anxiety and stress. British Journal of Social Psychology, 46, 633-648.
Gilbert, P., Catarino, F., Duarte, C., Matos, M., Kolts, R., Stubbs, J., Ceresatto, L., Duarte, J., Pinto-Gouveia. J & Basran, J. (2017). The development of compassionate engagement and action scales for self and others. Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 4(1), 1-24, DOI 10.1186/s40639-017-0033-3
Gilbert, P., Cheung, M., Wright, T., Campey, F. & Irons, C. (2003). Recall of threat and submissiveness in childhood: Development of a new scale and its relationship with depression, social comparison and shame. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 10, 108-115.
Gilbert, P., Cheung, M., Irons, C., & McEwan, K. (2005). An exploration into depression focused and anger focused rumination in relation to depression in a student population. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 33. 273 - 283
Gilbert, P., Clarke, M., Kempel, S. Miles, J.N.V. & Irons, C. (2004). Criticizing and reassuring oneself: An exploration of forms style and reasons in female students. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 43, 31-50
Gilbert, P., Durrant, R. & McEwan, K. (2006). Investigating the relationship between perfectionism, forms and functions of self-criticism and sensitivity to put-down. Personality & Individual Differences, 41, 1299-1308.
Gilbert, P & C. Gelsma, C. (1999). Recall of favouritism in relation to psychopathology. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 38, 357-373.
Gilbert, P. & Ghadiali, H.H. (1994). Threats and terrors to knowing. Journal of Pastoral Counselling, XXIX, 10-32.
Gilbert, P & Gilbert, J. (2003). Entrapment and arrested fight and flight in depression: An exploration using focus groups. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research and Practice, 76, 173-188.
Gilbert, P., Gilbert, J. & Irons, C. (2004). Life events, entrapments and arrested anger in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 79, 149-160.
Gilbert, P., Gilbert, J., & Sanghera, J. (2004). A focus group exploration of the impact of izzat, shame, subordination and entrapment on mental health and service use in South Asian women living in Derby. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 7, 109-130.
Gilbert P & Irons, C. (2004). A pilot exploration of the use of compassionate images in a group of self-critical people. Memory, 12, 507-516
Gilbert, P. Irons, C. Olsen, K., Gilbert, J & McEwan, K (2006) Interpersonal sensitivities: Their link to mood, anger and gender. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research and Practice. 79, 37 -51.
Gilbert, P., Irons, C., McEwan, K., Bhundia, R., Christie, R & Broomhead, C. (2010). Self-harm in a mixed clinical population: The roles of shame, forms and functions of self-criticism and social rank. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 49, 563–576.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Catarino, F & Baião, R. (2014). Fears of compassion in a depressed population: Implications for psychotherapy. Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Gilbert, P., McEwan,K., Catarino, F & Baião, R. (2014). Fears of negative emotions in relation to fears of happiness, compassion, alexithymia and psychopathology in a depressed population: A preliminary study. Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Gibbons, L., Chotai, S., Duarte, J. & Matos, M. (2013). Fears of compassion and happiness in relation to alexithymia, mindfulness and self-criticism. Psychology and Psychotherapy. 84, 239–255 DOI:10.1348/147608310X526511.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Irons, C., Broomhead, C., Bellew, R Mills, A & Gale, C. (2009). The dark side of competition: How competitive behaviour and striving to avoid inferiority, are linked to depression, anxiety, stress and self-harm. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 82, 123-136.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Hay, J, Irons, C & Cheung, M. (2007). Social rank and attachment in people with a bipolar disorder. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 14, 48-53.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Matos, M & Rivis, A. (2011). Fears of compassion: Development of three self-report measures. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 84, 239-255.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Mitra, R., Franks, L., Richter, A. & Rockliff, H. (2008) Feeling safe and content: A specific affect regulation system? Relationship to depression, anxiety, stress and self-criticism. Journal of Positive Psychology, 3 182-191.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Mitra, R., Richter, A., Franks, L., Mills, A., Bellew, R. & Gale, C. (2009). An exploration of different types of positive affect in students and in patients with bipolar disorder. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 6 135-143.
Gilbert, P. & Miles J.N.V. (2000). Sensitivity to put-down: Its relationship to perceptions of shame, social anxiety, depression, anger and self-other blame. Personality and Individual Differences, 29, 757-774.
Gilbert, P. & Miles J.N.V. (2000). Evolution, genes, development and psychopathology. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7, 246-255.
Gilbert. P & Procter, S. (2006). Compassionate mind training for people with high shame and self-criticism: A pilot study of a group therapy approach. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 13, 353-379.
Gilbert, P., Price, J.S. & Allan S. (1995). Social comparison, social attractiveness and evolution: How might they be related? New Ideas in Psychology, 13, 149-165.
Gilbert, P. & Reynolds, S. (1990). The relationship of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and Beck's Concepts of Sociotropy and Autonomy. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 29, 319-324.
Gilbert, J, Stubbs, R,J., Gale, G., Gilbert, P., Dunk, L & Thomson, L. (2014). A qualitative study of the understanding and use of ‘compassion focused coping strategies’ in people who suffer from serious weight difficulties. Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 1, 1-10.
Allan, S. & Gilbert, P. (1995). A social comparison scale: Psychometric properties and relationship to psychopathology. Personality and Individual Differences, 19, 293-299.
Allan, S. & Gilbert, P. (1997). Submissive behaviour and psychopathology. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 36, 467-488.
Allan, S. & Gilbert, P. (2002). Anger and anger expression in relation to perceptions of social rank, entrapment, and depressive symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 32, 551-565.
Allan, S., Gilbert, P. & Goss, K. (1994). An exploration of shame measures: II: Psychopathology. Personality and Individual Differences, 17, 719-722.
Ashworth, F.M, Gracey, F & Gilbert, P. (2011). Compassion Focused Therapy after traumatic brain injury: Theoretical foundations and a case illustration. Brain Impairment, 12. 128-139.
Baiao, R., Gilbert, P., McEwan, K, & Carvalho, S. E (2014). Forms of self-criticising/attacking & self-reassuring scale: Psychometric properties and normative study Psychology and Therapy Theory Research and Practice. DOI:10.1111/papt.12049 advanced online
Balsamo, M., Macchia, A., Carlucci, L., Picconi, L., Tommasi, M., Gilbert, P., Saggino, A (2014): Measurement of external shame: An inside view. Journal of Personality Assessment, DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2014.947650
Bellew, R., Gilbert P., Mills, A., McEwan, K. & Gale, C. (2006). Eating attitudes and striving to avoid inferiority. Eating Disorders: The Journal for Prevention and Treatment, 14, 313-322.
Benn, L., Gilbert, P, Harvey, J & Irons, C. (2005). Social rank, interpersonal trust and recall of parental rearing in relation to homesickness. Personality and Individual Differences, 38, 1813 – 1822.
Birchwood, M., Meaden, A., Trower, P., Gilbert, P., & Plaistow, J. (2000). The power and omnipotence of voices. Subordination and entrapment by voices and significant others. Psychological Medicine. 30, 337-344.
Birchwood, M., Gilbert, P., Gilbert, J., Trower, P., Meaden, A., Hay, J., Murray, E., & Miles, J.N.V. (2004) Do interpersonal schema influence the relationship with the dominant ‘voice’ in schizophrenia? A comparison of three models. Psychological Medicine, 34, 1571-1580
Birchwood, M,. Trower, P., Brunet, K., Gilbert, P., Iqbal, Z., & Jackson, C (2006). Social anxiety and the shame of psychosis. A study in first episode psychosis. Behaviour Therapy and Research, 45, 1026-1037.
Braehler, C., Gumley, A., Harper, J., Wallace, S., Norrie, J., & Gilbert, P. (2013). Exploring change processes in compassion focused therapy in psychosis: Results of a feasibility randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52, 199-214.
Brown, B., Crawford. P., Gilbert , P., Gilbert, J & Gale, G. (2014). Practical compassion: Repertoires of practice and compassion talk in acute mental healthcare. Sociology of Health & Illness 36, 383–399, DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.12065.
Brüne, M., Belsky, J., FaBrega, H., Feierman, H. R., Gilbert, P., Glantz, K., ... & Troisi, A. (2012). The crisis of psychiatry—insights and prospects from evolutionary theory. World Psychiatry, 11(1), 55-57.
Cardi,V., Di Matteo, R., Gilbert, P, & Treasure, J. (2014). Rank perception and self-evaluation in eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47, 543-552. doi: 10.1002/eat.22261. Epub 2014 Feb 18.
Carvalho, S., Pinto-Gouveia, J., Pimentel, P., Maia, D., Gilbert, P & Mota-Periria, J. (2013). Entrapment and defeat perceptions in depressive symptomatology: Through an evolutionary approach. Psychiatry, 76, 53-67
Catarino, F., Gilbert, P., McEwan., K & Baião, R. (2014). Compassion motivations: Distinguishing submissive compassion from genuine compassion and its association with shame, submissive behaviour, depression, anxiety and stress Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 33, 399-412.
Catarino, F., Sousa, J., Ceresatto, L., Moore, R & Gilbert, P. (2014). An exploration of different empathic competencies in submissive and genuine compassion. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 33, 399-412
Cheung, M.S.P., Gilbert P & Irons, C. (2004). An exploration of shame, social rank and rumination in relation to depression. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 1143-1153.
Crawford, P., Gilbert, P., Gilbert, J., Gale, C., & Harvey, K. (2013). The language of compassion in acute mental health care: Qualitative Studies in Health Care. 23(6) 719–
727 DOI: 10.1177/1049732313482190.
Cruddas, S., Gilbert, P & McEwan, K (2009). The relationship between self-concealment and disclosure, early experiences, attachment and social comparison. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. 2, 282-291.
Dugnan, D., Trower, P & Gilbert, P. (2002). Measuring vulnerability to threats to self construction: The self and other scale. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research and Practice, 75, 279-294
Duarte, J., McEwan, K., Barnes, C., Gilbert, P., & Maratos, F. A. (2015). Do therapeutic imagery practices affect physiological and emotional indicators of threat in high self-critics?. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 88(3), 270-284
Elander, J Duarte, J., Maratos, F.A & Gilbert P. (in press) Predictors of painkiller dependence among people with pain in the General Population Pain Medicine 2013;
Falconer, C,J., Slater, M., Rovira, A., King J,A., Gilbert P, Antley, A & Brewin, C (2014). Embodying compassion: A virtual reality paradigm for overcoming excessive self-criticism. PLoS ONE 9(11): e111933. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111933.
Gale, C., Gilbert., Read, N & Goss, K. (2014). Evaluation of the impact of introducing Compassion Focused Therapy to a standard treatment programme for people with eating disorders. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy advance online publication, 21, 1-12.
Goss, K., Gilbert, P. & Allan, S. (1994).An exploration of shame measures: I: The ‘other as shamer’scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 17, 713-717.
Gumley, A., Braehler, C., Laithwaite, H., MacBeth, A & Gilbert, P. (2010). A compassion focused model for recovery after psychosis. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 3, 97-112.
Hermanto, N., Zuroff, D.C., Kopala-Sibley, D.C., Kelly, A.C., Matos, M, & Gilbert, P. (2016). Ability to receive compassion from others buffers the depressogenic effect of self-criticism: A cross-cultural multi-study analysis: Personality and Individual Differences 98, 324–332.
Irons, C & Gilbert, P. (2005). Evolved mechanisms in adolescent anxiety and depression. The role of attachment and social rank systems. Journal of Adolescents, 28, 325-341
Irons, C., Gilbert, P., Baldwin, M.W., Baccus, J. & Palmer, M. (2006). Parental recall, attachment relating and self attacking/self-reassurance: Their relationship with depression, British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45, 297 –308.
Judge, L., Cleghorn, A., McEwan, K & Gilbert. P. (2012). An exploration of group-based compassion focused therapy for a heterogeneous range of clients presenting to a community mental health team. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 5, 420–429.
Kamboj, S.K., Kilford, E.J., Minchin, S., Moss, A., Lawn, W., Das, R.V., Falconer, C.J., Gilbert, P., Curran, H.V., & Freeman, T.P. (2015). Recreational 3,4-methylenedioxy-Nmethylamphetamine (MDMA) or ‘ecstasy’ and self-focused compassion: Preliminary steps in the development of a therapeutic psychopharmacology of contemplative practices. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1–10
Kellett, S & Gilbert, P. (2001). Acne: A biopsychosocial and evolutionary perspective with a focus on shame. British Journal of Health Psychology, 6, 1-24.
Kelly, A., Zuroff, D., Foa, C.L & Gilbert, P. (2010). Who benefits from training in self-compassionate self-regulation? A study of smoking reduction. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29, 727-755.
Kelly, A, C., Zuroff, D.C., Leybman,M,J & Gilbert, P. (2012). Social safeness, received social support, and maladjustment: Testing a tripartite model of affect regulation. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 36, 815–826. DOI 10.1007/s10608-011-9432.
Kirby. J., Doty, J., Petrocchi. N & Gilbert. P. (2017). The Current and Future Role of Heart Rate Variability for Assessing and Training Compassion. Frontiers. Public Health 5:40. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00040.
Legg, L & Gilbert P (2006). A pilot study of gender of voice and gender of patient in psychotic voice hearers. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 79, 517-527.
Liotti. G & Gilbert. P. (2011). Mentalizing, motivations and social mentalities: Theoretical considerations and implications for psychotherapy. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 84, 9-25.
Longe, O., Maratos, F.A., Gilbert, P., Evans, G., Volker, F., Rockliffe, H & Rippon, G. (2010). Having a word with yourself: Neural correlates of self-criticism and self-reassurance. NeuroImage ,49, 1849-1856.
Matos, M., Pinto-Gouveia, J., & Gilbert, P. (2013). The effect of shame and shame memories on paranoid ideation and social anxiety. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 20, 334-349. doi: 10.1002/cpp.1766.
Matos, M., Pinto-Gouveia, J., Gilbert, P., Duarte, C & Figueiredo, C. (2015). The Other As Shamer Scale – 2: Development and validation of a short version of a measure of external shame. Personality and Individual Differences, 74, 6–11.
McEwan, K & Gilbert, P. (2016). A pilot feasibility study exploring the practising of compassionate imagery exercises in a nonclinical population. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 89, 239-243
McEwan, K., Gilbert,P., Dandeneau, S., Lipka, S., Maratos, F., Paterson, K.B. & Baldwin, M (2014). Facial expressions depicting compassionate and critical emotions: The development and validation of a new emotional face stimulus set. PLOS ONE: vol 9, issue 2, e88783.
McEwan, K., Gilbert, P & Duarte, J. (2012). An exploration of competitiveness and caring in relation to psychopathology British Journal of Clinical Psychology 51, 19–36 DOI:10.1111/j.2044-8260.2011.02010.x
MacAdam, E. & Gilbert, P. (1985). Cognitive therapy as a psychotherapy in child, adolescent and family psychiatry. Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry (Newsletter). 7, 19-27.
McEwan, K., Gilbert, P & Duarte, J. (2012). An exploration of competitiveness and caring
in relation to psychopathology. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, 19–36
Matos, M., Duarte, D., Duarte, J., Pinto-Gouveia,J ., Petrocchi, N., Basran, J & Gilbert, P., Psychological and physiological effects of compassionate mind training: A randomised controlled trial (under review)
Mayhew, S. & Gilbert, P. (2008) Compassionate mind training with people who hear malevolent voices: A case series report. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 15 : 113-138
Martin, Y., Gilbert, P., McEwan, K & Irons, C. (2006). The relation of entrapment, shame and guilt to depression, in carers of people with dementia. Aging and Mental Health. 10, 101 – 106.
Mills, A., Gilbert, P., Bellew, R., McEwan, K. & Gale, C., (2007). Paranoid beliefs and self-criticism in students. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 14, 385-364.
Morrison, D & Gilbert, P. (2001). An exploratory study of the relation between social rank, shame, and anger to provocation in Primary and Secondary psychopaths, Forensic Psychiatry, 12, 330-356.
O’Connor, L.E., Berry, J.W., Weiss, J. & Gilbert, P. (2002). Guilt, fear, submission, and empathy in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 71, 19-27.
Price, J., Sloman, L., Gardner, R., Gilbert, P. & Rohde, P. (1994). The social competition hypothesis of depression. British Journal of Psychiatry. 164, 309-315.
Reynolds, S. & Gilbert, P. (1991). Unemployment as a stressful life event: The interaction between vulnerability, protective factors and depression. Journal of Counselling, 34, 76-84.
Richter, A., Gilbert, P., & McEwan, K. (2009). Development of an early memories of warmth and safeness scale and its relationship to psychopathology. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 82(2), 171-184.
Rockliff, H., Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Lightman S., & Glover, D. (2008) A pilot exploration of heart rate variability and salivary cortisol responses to compassion-focused imagery. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 5, 132-139.
Rockliff, H., Karl, A., McEwan, K., Gilbert, J., Matos, M. & Gilbert, P. (2011). Effects of intranasal oxytocin on compassion focused imagery. Emotion, 11, 1388-1396. DOI: 10.1037/a0023861
Sloman, L., Price, J., Gilbert, P. & Gardner, R. (1994). Adaptive function of depression. therapeutic interventions. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 48, 3, 1-16.
Sloman, L., Gilbert, P., & Hasey, G., (2003). Evolved mechanisms in depression: The role and interaction of attachment and social rank in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 74, 107-121.
Sloman, L., Farvolden, P., Gilbert, P & Price, J.S. (2006). The interactive functioning of anxiety and depression in angonistic encounteres and reconciliation. Journal of Affective Disorders. 90, 93 – 99.
Stubbs, J, Whybrow, S., Teixeira P, Blundell, J., Lawton C. Westenhoefer, J., Engel,D., Shepherd, R., Mcconnon, A , Gilbert, P & Raats, M. ( 2011). Problems in identifying predictors and correlates of weight loss and maintenance: Implications for weight control therapies based on behaviour change Obesity Review 12(9): 688-708 doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2011.00883.x
Trachsel, M., Krieger, T., Gilbert, P., and Holtforth, M.G. (2010). Testing a German adaption of the entrapment scale and assessing the relation to depression. Depression Research and Treatment Article ID 501782, doi:10.1155/2010/501782
Trower, P. & Gilbert, P. (1989). New theoretical conceptions of social anxiety and social phobia. Clinical Psychology Review, 9, 19-35.
Trower, P., Sherling, G., Beech, J., Horrop, C. & Gilbert, P. (1998). The socially anxious perspective in face to face interaction: An experimental comparison. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy: An International Journal of Theory and Practice, 5, 155-166.
Veale, D & Gilbert, P. (in press). Body Dysmorphic Disorder: the functional and evolutionary context in phenomenology and a compassionate mind Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.
Vagos, P., Ribeiro da Silva, D., Brazão, N., Rijo, D., Gilbert, P (2016). Dimensionality and measurement invariance of the Other as Shamer Scale across diverse adolescent samples. Personality and Individual Differences, 98, 289-296
Veale, D., Gilbert, P., Wheatley, J & Naismith, I. (2014). A new therapeutic community: development of a Compassion Focused and Contextual Behavioural Environment. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy First view online 14 April 2014
Vagos, P., da Silva, D. R., Brazão, N., Rijo, D., & Gilbert, P. (2016). Dimensionality and
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Personality and Individual Differences, 98, 289-296.
Vagos, P., da Silva, D. R., Brazão, N., Rijo, D., & Gilbert, P. (2016). The Early Memories of
Warmth and Safeness Scale for adolescents: Cross-sample validation of the complete and brief versions. Manuscript submitted to Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Wyatt, R. & Gilbert , P. (1998). Perfectionism and social rank. Personality and Individual
Differences, 24, 71-79.
Gilbert, P. (1986). Cognitive psychotherapy and social behaviour. British Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 4, 14-20.
Gilbert, P. (1988). Shame and Guilt. Changes, 6, 50-53.
Gilbert, P. (1991). Invited Essay: Depression: New books and conceptualisations of an old problem. British Journal of Psychology, 82, 119-126.
Gilbert, P. (1992). Defence, safety and biosocial goals in relation to the agonic and hedonic social modes. World Futures. Guest Editor: Chance, M. Journal of General Evolution (Special Edition). 35, 31-70.
Gilbert, P. (1993). Defence and safety: Their function in social behaviour and psychopathology. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 32, 131-153.
Gilbert, P. (1995). Power, social rank and depression: Comments on Price and Gardner. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 68, 211-215.
Gilbert, P. (1995). Biopsychosocial approaches and evolutionary theory as aids to integration in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 2, 135- 156.
Gilbert, P. (1997). The evolution of social attractiveness and its role in shame, humiliation, guilt and therapy. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 70, 113-147.
Gilbert, P. (1998). Preface and Outline. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 71, 351-352.
Gilbert, P. (1998). Evolutionary psychopathology: Why isn’t the mind better designed than it is? British Journal of Medical Psychology, 71, 353-373.
Gilbert, P. (1998). The evolved basis and adaptive functions of cognitive distortions. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 71, 447-463.
Gilbert, P. (2000). The relationship of shame, social anxiety and depression: The role of the evaluation of social rank. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7, 174-189.
Gilbert, P. (2001). Evolutionary approaches to psychopathology: The role of natural defences. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 35, 17-27.
Gilbert, P (2001). Depression and stress: A biopsychosocial exploration of evolved functions and mechanisms Stress: The International Journal of the Biology of Stress, 4, 121-135.
Gilbert, P (2001). Evolution and social anxiety: The role of social competition and social hierarchies. In, F, Schnieder (eds) . Social Anxiety: Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 24, 723-751.
Gilbert, P. (2002). Understanding the biopsychosocial approach: 1. Conceptualisation. Clinical Psychology, 14. 13-17.
Gilbert, P. (2002). Understanding the biopsychosocial approach: 11. Individual and social interventions. Clinical Psychology, 15, 28-32.
Gilbert, P. (2002). Evolutionary approaches to psychopathology and cognitive therapy. In, P Gilbert (eds.) Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly (Special Edition: Evolutionary Psychology and Cognitive Therapy), 16, 263-294.
Gilbert, P. (2003). Evolution, social roles, and differences in shame and guilt. Social Research, 70, 1205-1230.
Gilbert P, (2004) A much needed macro level view: A commentary on Henriques’ “Psychology Defined”. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60, 1223-1226.
Gilbert, P, (2004). Evolution, attractiveness and the emergence of shame and guilt in a self-aware mind: A reflection on Tracy and Robins: Psychological Inquiry, 15, 132-135
Gilbert, P., (2004). Psychotherapies. Medicine: Psychiatry. 32: 8, 67 – 69.
Gilbert, P. (2004). Threat safeness and schizophrenia: Hidden issues in an evolutionary story Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 27, 858-859.
Gilbert, P. (2006). Evolution and depression: Issues and implications (invited review). Psychological Medicine, 36, 287-297.
Gilbert, P. (2006). Old and new ideas on the evolution of mind and psychotherapy. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 3, 135-153.
Gilbert, P. (2009). An introduction to compassion focused therapy. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment, 15, 199-208.
Gilbert, P. (2009). Moving beyond cognitive therapy. The Psychologist, 22, 400-403.
Gilbert, P. (2009). Compassionate Mind Training. Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, 9, 4, 11-15.
Gilbert, P. (2010). An introduction to compassion focused therapy in cognitive behavior therapy. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 3, 97-112.
Gilbert, P. (2014). The origins and nature of compassion focused therapy. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 53, 6-41. DOI:10.1111/bjc.12043
Gilbert. P. (2015). The evolution and social dynamics of compassion Journal of Social & Personality Psychology Compass, 9, 239–254. DOI: 10.1111/spc3.12176
Gilbert. P. (2015). An evolutionary approach to emotion in mental health with a focus on affiliative emotions. Emotion Review (special issues Normal and Abnormal Emotion. K Scherer, (ed.). 7, 230–237. DOI: 10.1177/1754073915576552
Gilbert, P. (2015). Affiliative and prosocial motives and emotions in mental health. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 17, 381-389.
With co-authors
Gilbert, P. & Allan, S. (1994). Assertiveness, submissive behaviour and social comparison. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 33, 295-306.
Gilbert, P. & Allan, S. (1998). The role of defeat and entrapment (arrested flight) in depression: an exploration of an evolutionary view. Psychological Medicine, 28, 584-597
Gilbert, P., Allan, S., Ball, L & Bradshaw, Z. (1996). Overconfidence and personal evaluations of social rank. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 69, 59-68.
Gilbert, P., Allan, S., Brough, S. & Melley, S Miles J. (2002). Anhedonia and positive affect: relationship to social rank, defeat and entrapment. Journal of Affective Disorders, 71, 141-151
Gilbert, P., Allan, S. & Goss, K. (1996). Parental representations, shame, interpersonal
problems, and vulnerability to psychopathology. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 3, 23-34.
Gilbert, P., Allan, S., Nicholls S & Olsen, K. (2005). The assessment of psychological symptoms of patients referred to Community Mental Health Teams: Distress chronicity and life interference: Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 12, 10 – 27.
Gilbert, P., Allan, S. & Pehl, J. (1994). The phenomenology of shame and guilt: An empirical investigation. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 67, 23-36.
Gilbert, P., Allan, S & Trent, D. (1995). Involuntary subordination or dependency as key
dimensions of depressive vulnerability. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, 740-752.
Gilbert, P, Allan, S. & Trent, D. (1996). A short measure of social and separation
anxiety. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 69, 155-161.
Gilbert, P., Baldwin, M., Irons, C., Baccus, J. & Palmer, M. (2006). Self-criticism and self-warmth: An imagery study exploring their relation to depression. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy: An International Quarterly, 20, 183-200
Gilbert, P., Bhundia, R Mitra, R., McEwan, K., Irons C & Sanghera, J (2007). Cultural differences in shame-focused attitudes towards mental health problems in Asian and non-Asian student women Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 10, 127-141.
Gilbert, P., Birchwood, M. Gilbert, J., Trower, P., Hay, J., Murray, B., Meaden, A Olsen, K., & Miles, J.N.V. (2001). An exploration of evolved mental mechanisms for dominant and subordinate behaviour in relation to auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia and critical thoughts in depression. Psychological Medicine 31, 1117-1127
Gilbert, P., Boxall, M., Cheung, M., Tuffield, V., & Irons, C. (2005) The relation of paranoid thinking and social anxiety in a mixed clinical population. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy,12, 124-133.
Gilbert, P., Broomhead, C., Irons, C, McEwan, K, Bellew, R., Mills, A & Gale, C. (2007). Striving to avoid inferiority: Scale development and its relationship to depression, anxiety and stress. British Journal of Social Psychology, 46, 633-648.
Gilbert, P., Catarino, F., Duarte, C., Matos, M., Kolts, R., Stubbs, J., Ceresatto, L., Duarte, J., Pinto-Gouveia. J & Basran, J. (2017). The development of compassionate engagement and action scales for self and others. Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 4(1), 1-24, DOI 10.1186/s40639-017-0033-3
Gilbert, P., Cheung, M., Wright, T., Campey, F. & Irons, C. (2003). Recall of threat and submissiveness in childhood: Development of a new scale and its relationship with depression, social comparison and shame. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. 10, 108-115.
Gilbert, P., Cheung, M., Irons, C., & McEwan, K. (2005). An exploration into depression focused and anger focused rumination in relation to depression in a student population. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 33. 273 - 283
Gilbert, P., Clarke, M., Kempel, S. Miles, J.N.V. & Irons, C. (2004). Criticizing and reassuring oneself: An exploration of forms style and reasons in female students. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 43, 31-50
Gilbert, P., Durrant, R. & McEwan, K. (2006). Investigating the relationship between perfectionism, forms and functions of self-criticism and sensitivity to put-down. Personality & Individual Differences, 41, 1299-1308.
Gilbert, P & C. Gelsma, C. (1999). Recall of favouritism in relation to psychopathology. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 38, 357-373.
Gilbert, P. & Ghadiali, H.H. (1994). Threats and terrors to knowing. Journal of Pastoral Counselling, XXIX, 10-32.
Gilbert, P & Gilbert, J. (2003). Entrapment and arrested fight and flight in depression: An exploration using focus groups. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research and Practice, 76, 173-188.
Gilbert, P., Gilbert, J. & Irons, C. (2004). Life events, entrapments and arrested anger in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 79, 149-160.
Gilbert, P., Gilbert, J., & Sanghera, J. (2004). A focus group exploration of the impact of izzat, shame, subordination and entrapment on mental health and service use in South Asian women living in Derby. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 7, 109-130.
Gilbert P & Irons, C. (2004). A pilot exploration of the use of compassionate images in a group of self-critical people. Memory, 12, 507-516
Gilbert, P. Irons, C. Olsen, K., Gilbert, J & McEwan, K (2006) Interpersonal sensitivities: Their link to mood, anger and gender. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research and Practice. 79, 37 -51.
Gilbert, P., Irons, C., McEwan, K., Bhundia, R., Christie, R & Broomhead, C. (2010). Self-harm in a mixed clinical population: The roles of shame, forms and functions of self-criticism and social rank. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 49, 563–576.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Catarino, F & Baião, R. (2014). Fears of compassion in a depressed population: Implications for psychotherapy. Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Gilbert, P., McEwan,K., Catarino, F & Baião, R. (2014). Fears of negative emotions in relation to fears of happiness, compassion, alexithymia and psychopathology in a depressed population: A preliminary study. Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Gibbons, L., Chotai, S., Duarte, J. & Matos, M. (2013). Fears of compassion and happiness in relation to alexithymia, mindfulness and self-criticism. Psychology and Psychotherapy. 84, 239–255 DOI:10.1348/147608310X526511.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Irons, C., Broomhead, C., Bellew, R Mills, A & Gale, C. (2009). The dark side of competition: How competitive behaviour and striving to avoid inferiority, are linked to depression, anxiety, stress and self-harm. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 82, 123-136.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Hay, J, Irons, C & Cheung, M. (2007). Social rank and attachment in people with a bipolar disorder. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 14, 48-53.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Matos, M & Rivis, A. (2011). Fears of compassion: Development of three self-report measures. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 84, 239-255.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Mitra, R., Franks, L., Richter, A. & Rockliff, H. (2008) Feeling safe and content: A specific affect regulation system? Relationship to depression, anxiety, stress and self-criticism. Journal of Positive Psychology, 3 182-191.
Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Mitra, R., Richter, A., Franks, L., Mills, A., Bellew, R. & Gale, C. (2009). An exploration of different types of positive affect in students and in patients with bipolar disorder. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 6 135-143.
Gilbert, P. & Miles J.N.V. (2000). Sensitivity to put-down: Its relationship to perceptions of shame, social anxiety, depression, anger and self-other blame. Personality and Individual Differences, 29, 757-774.
Gilbert, P. & Miles J.N.V. (2000). Evolution, genes, development and psychopathology. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 7, 246-255.
Gilbert. P & Procter, S. (2006). Compassionate mind training for people with high shame and self-criticism: A pilot study of a group therapy approach. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 13, 353-379.
Gilbert, P., Price, J.S. & Allan S. (1995). Social comparison, social attractiveness and evolution: How might they be related? New Ideas in Psychology, 13, 149-165.
Gilbert, P. & Reynolds, S. (1990). The relationship of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and Beck's Concepts of Sociotropy and Autonomy. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 29, 319-324.
Gilbert, J, Stubbs, R,J., Gale, G., Gilbert, P., Dunk, L & Thomson, L. (2014). A qualitative study of the understanding and use of ‘compassion focused coping strategies’ in people who suffer from serious weight difficulties. Journal of Compassionate Health Care, 1, 1-10.
Allan, S. & Gilbert, P. (1995). A social comparison scale: Psychometric properties and relationship to psychopathology. Personality and Individual Differences, 19, 293-299.
Allan, S. & Gilbert, P. (1997). Submissive behaviour and psychopathology. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 36, 467-488.
Allan, S. & Gilbert, P. (2002). Anger and anger expression in relation to perceptions of social rank, entrapment, and depressive symptoms. Personality and Individual Differences, 32, 551-565.
Allan, S., Gilbert, P. & Goss, K. (1994). An exploration of shame measures: II: Psychopathology. Personality and Individual Differences, 17, 719-722.
Ashworth, F.M, Gracey, F & Gilbert, P. (2011). Compassion Focused Therapy after traumatic brain injury: Theoretical foundations and a case illustration. Brain Impairment, 12. 128-139.
Baiao, R., Gilbert, P., McEwan, K, & Carvalho, S. E (2014). Forms of self-criticising/attacking & self-reassuring scale: Psychometric properties and normative study Psychology and Therapy Theory Research and Practice. DOI:10.1111/papt.12049 advanced online
Balsamo, M., Macchia, A., Carlucci, L., Picconi, L., Tommasi, M., Gilbert, P., Saggino, A (2014): Measurement of external shame: An inside view. Journal of Personality Assessment, DOI: 10.1080/00223891.2014.947650
Bellew, R., Gilbert P., Mills, A., McEwan, K. & Gale, C. (2006). Eating attitudes and striving to avoid inferiority. Eating Disorders: The Journal for Prevention and Treatment, 14, 313-322.
Benn, L., Gilbert, P, Harvey, J & Irons, C. (2005). Social rank, interpersonal trust and recall of parental rearing in relation to homesickness. Personality and Individual Differences, 38, 1813 – 1822.
Birchwood, M., Meaden, A., Trower, P., Gilbert, P., & Plaistow, J. (2000). The power and omnipotence of voices. Subordination and entrapment by voices and significant others. Psychological Medicine. 30, 337-344.
Birchwood, M., Gilbert, P., Gilbert, J., Trower, P., Meaden, A., Hay, J., Murray, E., & Miles, J.N.V. (2004) Do interpersonal schema influence the relationship with the dominant ‘voice’ in schizophrenia? A comparison of three models. Psychological Medicine, 34, 1571-1580
Birchwood, M,. Trower, P., Brunet, K., Gilbert, P., Iqbal, Z., & Jackson, C (2006). Social anxiety and the shame of psychosis. A study in first episode psychosis. Behaviour Therapy and Research, 45, 1026-1037.
Braehler, C., Gumley, A., Harper, J., Wallace, S., Norrie, J., & Gilbert, P. (2013). Exploring change processes in compassion focused therapy in psychosis: Results of a feasibility randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52, 199-214.
Brown, B., Crawford. P., Gilbert , P., Gilbert, J & Gale, G. (2014). Practical compassion: Repertoires of practice and compassion talk in acute mental healthcare. Sociology of Health & Illness 36, 383–399, DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.12065.
Brüne, M., Belsky, J., FaBrega, H., Feierman, H. R., Gilbert, P., Glantz, K., ... & Troisi, A. (2012). The crisis of psychiatry—insights and prospects from evolutionary theory. World Psychiatry, 11(1), 55-57.
Cardi,V., Di Matteo, R., Gilbert, P, & Treasure, J. (2014). Rank perception and self-evaluation in eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47, 543-552. doi: 10.1002/eat.22261. Epub 2014 Feb 18.
Carvalho, S., Pinto-Gouveia, J., Pimentel, P., Maia, D., Gilbert, P & Mota-Periria, J. (2013). Entrapment and defeat perceptions in depressive symptomatology: Through an evolutionary approach. Psychiatry, 76, 53-67
Catarino, F., Gilbert, P., McEwan., K & Baião, R. (2014). Compassion motivations: Distinguishing submissive compassion from genuine compassion and its association with shame, submissive behaviour, depression, anxiety and stress Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 33, 399-412.
Catarino, F., Sousa, J., Ceresatto, L., Moore, R & Gilbert, P. (2014). An exploration of different empathic competencies in submissive and genuine compassion. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 33, 399-412
Cheung, M.S.P., Gilbert P & Irons, C. (2004). An exploration of shame, social rank and rumination in relation to depression. Personality and Individual Differences, 36, 1143-1153.
Crawford, P., Gilbert, P., Gilbert, J., Gale, C., & Harvey, K. (2013). The language of compassion in acute mental health care: Qualitative Studies in Health Care. 23(6) 719–
727 DOI: 10.1177/1049732313482190.
Cruddas, S., Gilbert, P & McEwan, K (2009). The relationship between self-concealment and disclosure, early experiences, attachment and social comparison. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy. 2, 282-291.
Dugnan, D., Trower, P & Gilbert, P. (2002). Measuring vulnerability to threats to self construction: The self and other scale. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research and Practice, 75, 279-294
Duarte, J., McEwan, K., Barnes, C., Gilbert, P., & Maratos, F. A. (2015). Do therapeutic imagery practices affect physiological and emotional indicators of threat in high self-critics?. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 88(3), 270-284
Elander, J Duarte, J., Maratos, F.A & Gilbert P. (in press) Predictors of painkiller dependence among people with pain in the General Population Pain Medicine 2013;
Falconer, C,J., Slater, M., Rovira, A., King J,A., Gilbert P, Antley, A & Brewin, C (2014). Embodying compassion: A virtual reality paradigm for overcoming excessive self-criticism. PLoS ONE 9(11): e111933. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0111933.
Gale, C., Gilbert., Read, N & Goss, K. (2014). Evaluation of the impact of introducing Compassion Focused Therapy to a standard treatment programme for people with eating disorders. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy advance online publication, 21, 1-12.
Goss, K., Gilbert, P. & Allan, S. (1994).An exploration of shame measures: I: The ‘other as shamer’scale. Personality and Individual Differences, 17, 713-717.
Gumley, A., Braehler, C., Laithwaite, H., MacBeth, A & Gilbert, P. (2010). A compassion focused model for recovery after psychosis. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 3, 97-112.
Hermanto, N., Zuroff, D.C., Kopala-Sibley, D.C., Kelly, A.C., Matos, M, & Gilbert, P. (2016). Ability to receive compassion from others buffers the depressogenic effect of self-criticism: A cross-cultural multi-study analysis: Personality and Individual Differences 98, 324–332.
Irons, C & Gilbert, P. (2005). Evolved mechanisms in adolescent anxiety and depression. The role of attachment and social rank systems. Journal of Adolescents, 28, 325-341
Irons, C., Gilbert, P., Baldwin, M.W., Baccus, J. & Palmer, M. (2006). Parental recall, attachment relating and self attacking/self-reassurance: Their relationship with depression, British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 45, 297 –308.
Judge, L., Cleghorn, A., McEwan, K & Gilbert. P. (2012). An exploration of group-based compassion focused therapy for a heterogeneous range of clients presenting to a community mental health team. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 5, 420–429.
Kamboj, S.K., Kilford, E.J., Minchin, S., Moss, A., Lawn, W., Das, R.V., Falconer, C.J., Gilbert, P., Curran, H.V., & Freeman, T.P. (2015). Recreational 3,4-methylenedioxy-Nmethylamphetamine (MDMA) or ‘ecstasy’ and self-focused compassion: Preliminary steps in the development of a therapeutic psychopharmacology of contemplative practices. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 1–10
Kellett, S & Gilbert, P. (2001). Acne: A biopsychosocial and evolutionary perspective with a focus on shame. British Journal of Health Psychology, 6, 1-24.
Kelly, A., Zuroff, D., Foa, C.L & Gilbert, P. (2010). Who benefits from training in self-compassionate self-regulation? A study of smoking reduction. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29, 727-755.
Kelly, A, C., Zuroff, D.C., Leybman,M,J & Gilbert, P. (2012). Social safeness, received social support, and maladjustment: Testing a tripartite model of affect regulation. Cognitive Therapy and Research. 36, 815–826. DOI 10.1007/s10608-011-9432.
Kirby. J., Doty, J., Petrocchi. N & Gilbert. P. (2017). The Current and Future Role of Heart Rate Variability for Assessing and Training Compassion. Frontiers. Public Health 5:40. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00040.
Legg, L & Gilbert P (2006). A pilot study of gender of voice and gender of patient in psychotic voice hearers. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 79, 517-527.
Liotti. G & Gilbert. P. (2011). Mentalizing, motivations and social mentalities: Theoretical considerations and implications for psychotherapy. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 84, 9-25.
Longe, O., Maratos, F.A., Gilbert, P., Evans, G., Volker, F., Rockliffe, H & Rippon, G. (2010). Having a word with yourself: Neural correlates of self-criticism and self-reassurance. NeuroImage ,49, 1849-1856.
Matos, M., Pinto-Gouveia, J., & Gilbert, P. (2013). The effect of shame and shame memories on paranoid ideation and social anxiety. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 20, 334-349. doi: 10.1002/cpp.1766.
Matos, M., Pinto-Gouveia, J., Gilbert, P., Duarte, C & Figueiredo, C. (2015). The Other As Shamer Scale – 2: Development and validation of a short version of a measure of external shame. Personality and Individual Differences, 74, 6–11.
McEwan, K & Gilbert, P. (2016). A pilot feasibility study exploring the practising of compassionate imagery exercises in a nonclinical population. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 89, 239-243
McEwan, K., Gilbert,P., Dandeneau, S., Lipka, S., Maratos, F., Paterson, K.B. & Baldwin, M (2014). Facial expressions depicting compassionate and critical emotions: The development and validation of a new emotional face stimulus set. PLOS ONE: vol 9, issue 2, e88783.
McEwan, K., Gilbert, P & Duarte, J. (2012). An exploration of competitiveness and caring in relation to psychopathology British Journal of Clinical Psychology 51, 19–36 DOI:10.1111/j.2044-8260.2011.02010.x
MacAdam, E. & Gilbert, P. (1985). Cognitive therapy as a psychotherapy in child, adolescent and family psychiatry. Association for Child Psychology and Psychiatry (Newsletter). 7, 19-27.
McEwan, K., Gilbert, P & Duarte, J. (2012). An exploration of competitiveness and caring
in relation to psychopathology. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, 19–36
Matos, M., Duarte, D., Duarte, J., Pinto-Gouveia,J ., Petrocchi, N., Basran, J & Gilbert, P., Psychological and physiological effects of compassionate mind training: A randomised controlled trial (under review)
Mayhew, S. & Gilbert, P. (2008) Compassionate mind training with people who hear malevolent voices: A case series report. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 15 : 113-138
Martin, Y., Gilbert, P., McEwan, K & Irons, C. (2006). The relation of entrapment, shame and guilt to depression, in carers of people with dementia. Aging and Mental Health. 10, 101 – 106.
Mills, A., Gilbert, P., Bellew, R., McEwan, K. & Gale, C., (2007). Paranoid beliefs and self-criticism in students. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 14, 385-364.
Morrison, D & Gilbert, P. (2001). An exploratory study of the relation between social rank, shame, and anger to provocation in Primary and Secondary psychopaths, Forensic Psychiatry, 12, 330-356.
O’Connor, L.E., Berry, J.W., Weiss, J. & Gilbert, P. (2002). Guilt, fear, submission, and empathy in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 71, 19-27.
Price, J., Sloman, L., Gardner, R., Gilbert, P. & Rohde, P. (1994). The social competition hypothesis of depression. British Journal of Psychiatry. 164, 309-315.
Reynolds, S. & Gilbert, P. (1991). Unemployment as a stressful life event: The interaction between vulnerability, protective factors and depression. Journal of Counselling, 34, 76-84.
Richter, A., Gilbert, P., & McEwan, K. (2009). Development of an early memories of warmth and safeness scale and its relationship to psychopathology. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 82(2), 171-184.
Rockliff, H., Gilbert, P., McEwan, K., Lightman S., & Glover, D. (2008) A pilot exploration of heart rate variability and salivary cortisol responses to compassion-focused imagery. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 5, 132-139.
Rockliff, H., Karl, A., McEwan, K., Gilbert, J., Matos, M. & Gilbert, P. (2011). Effects of intranasal oxytocin on compassion focused imagery. Emotion, 11, 1388-1396. DOI: 10.1037/a0023861
Sloman, L., Price, J., Gilbert, P. & Gardner, R. (1994). Adaptive function of depression. therapeutic interventions. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 48, 3, 1-16.
Sloman, L., Gilbert, P., & Hasey, G., (2003). Evolved mechanisms in depression: The role and interaction of attachment and social rank in depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 74, 107-121.
Sloman, L., Farvolden, P., Gilbert, P & Price, J.S. (2006). The interactive functioning of anxiety and depression in angonistic encounteres and reconciliation. Journal of Affective Disorders. 90, 93 – 99.
Stubbs, J, Whybrow, S., Teixeira P, Blundell, J., Lawton C. Westenhoefer, J., Engel,D., Shepherd, R., Mcconnon, A , Gilbert, P & Raats, M. ( 2011). Problems in identifying predictors and correlates of weight loss and maintenance: Implications for weight control therapies based on behaviour change Obesity Review 12(9): 688-708 doi: 10.1111/j.1467-789X.2011.00883.x
Trachsel, M., Krieger, T., Gilbert, P., and Holtforth, M.G. (2010). Testing a German adaption of the entrapment scale and assessing the relation to depression. Depression Research and Treatment Article ID 501782, doi:10.1155/2010/501782
Trower, P. & Gilbert, P. (1989). New theoretical conceptions of social anxiety and social phobia. Clinical Psychology Review, 9, 19-35.
Trower, P., Sherling, G., Beech, J., Horrop, C. & Gilbert, P. (1998). The socially anxious perspective in face to face interaction: An experimental comparison. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy: An International Journal of Theory and Practice, 5, 155-166.
Veale, D & Gilbert, P. (in press). Body Dysmorphic Disorder: the functional and evolutionary context in phenomenology and a compassionate mind Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.
Vagos, P., Ribeiro da Silva, D., Brazão, N., Rijo, D., Gilbert, P (2016). Dimensionality and measurement invariance of the Other as Shamer Scale across diverse adolescent samples. Personality and Individual Differences, 98, 289-296
Veale, D., Gilbert, P., Wheatley, J & Naismith, I. (2014). A new therapeutic community: development of a Compassion Focused and Contextual Behavioural Environment. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy First view online 14 April 2014
Vagos, P., da Silva, D. R., Brazão, N., Rijo, D., & Gilbert, P. (2016). Dimensionality and
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Personality and Individual Differences, 98, 289-296.
Vagos, P., da Silva, D. R., Brazão, N., Rijo, D., & Gilbert, P. (2016). The Early Memories of
Warmth and Safeness Scale for adolescents: Cross-sample validation of the complete and brief versions. Manuscript submitted to Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
Wyatt, R. & Gilbert , P. (1998). Perfectionism and social rank. Personality and Individual
Differences, 24, 71-79.