Living Like Crazy
Living Like Crazy book trailer, designed by Ari Cowan
'The Futility of War', made in collaboration with Dr Ra'ad Mahmoud
Compassion for Action for Happiness; Tuesday, 18 April 2017 - London UK
The Fears of Compassion - presented at Empathy & Compassion in Society conference, Oslo, Norway: 14-15 October 2016
The case for compassion at the heart of clinical Psychology - BPS (Division of Clinical Psychology) Conference, Glasgow, Scotland: 3-5 December 2014
Interviews & Podcasts
Psychologists Off The Clock - Episode 90: Tricky Brains, Caring and Living Like Crazy
In conversation with Mick O'Regan at the launch of Compassionate Mind Australia, 16th June 2015
In conversation with Jim Doty for Into The Magic Shop: The Transformative Power of Compassion: Unraveling the Secrets of Emotional Regulation
Unstress Health with Dr Ron Ehrlich: Unlocking the Power of Compassion