Gilbert, P. (1988). Psychobiological interactions in depression. In, S.Fisher & J.Reason (eds) Handbook of Life Stress, Cognition and Health. (pp. 559-579) Chichester. Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (1988). Emotional disorders, brain state and psychosocial evolution. In, W.Dryden & P. Trower (eds). Recent Developments in Cognitive Psychotherapy.(pp. 41-70) London: Sage.
Gilbert, P. (1990). Changes: Rank, status and mood. In, S. Fisher & C. Cooper (eds). On the Move: The Psychology of Change and Transition. (pp. 33-52) Chichester. Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (1991). An evolutionary approach to the conceptualisation of mental health. In D.Trent (ed) Proceedings of the First Annual Conference on Mental Health. London: Avery Press.
Gilbert, P. (1994). Male violence: Towards an integration. In, J. Archer Male Violence. (pp. 352-389) London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Gilbert, P. (1995). Attachment, co-operation and rank: the evolution of the need for status and support. In, T. Brugha (ed.) Social Support & Psychiatric Disorder. Research Findings & Guidelines for Clinical Practice. (pp. 117-141) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, P. (1996). Working with depressed people. In, R. Bayne, I. Horton & J. Bimrose
(eds.) New Directions in Counselling. (pp. 139-152) Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (1997). The biopsychosociology of meaning: In, M. Power & C. Brewin (eds). The Transformation of Meaning: Reconciling Theory and Therapy in Cognitive, Behaviour and Related Therapies (pp 33-56) Chichester: J.Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (1998). Shame & humiliation in complex cases: In, N. Tarrier., G. Haddock & A. Wells (eds.) Treating Complex Cases: The Cognitive Behavioural Approach (pp. 241-271) Chichester J.Wiley & Sons.
Gilbert, P. (1998). What is shame? Some core issues and controversies. In, P. Gilbert & B. Andrews, (eds) Shame: Interpersonal Behavior, Psychopathology and Culture. (pp 3-36). New York: Oxford University Press.
Gilbert, P. (1998). Evolution, suffering and psychotherapy. In, C. Feltham (ed.) Witness
and Vision of the Therapist. (pp 94-122). London: Sage.
Gilbert, P. (2000). Varieties of submissive behaviour: Their evolution and role in depression. In, L. Sloman & P. Gilbert, (eds.) Subordination and Defeat. An Evolutionary Approach to Mood Disorders (3-46): Hillsadale: N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum.
Gilbert, P. (2000). Social mentalities: Internal ‘social’ conflicts and the role of inner
warmth and compassion in cognitive therapy. In, P. Gilbert & Bailey K.G (eds.) Genes on the Couch: Explorations in Evolutionary Psychotherapy (p.118-150). Hove: Psychology Press.
Gilbert, P. (2002). Body shame: a biopsychosocial conceptualisation and overview, with treatment implications. In, P. Gilbert & J. Miles (eds). Body Shame: Conceptualisation, Research & Treatment. (p. 3 – 54). London. Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2003). Shame, stigma and the family: “Skeletons in the Cupboard” and the role of shame. In, A.H. Crisp (Ed). Every Family in the Land: Understanding prejudice and discrimination against people with mental illness. Revised edition, 129 – 136. London. The Royal Society of Medicine Press.
Gilbert, P. (2004). Depression: A biopsychosocial, integrative and evolutionary approach. In, M. Power (ed). Mood Disorders: A Handbook of Science and Practice (p. 99-142). Chichester: J Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (2005). Social Mentalities: A biopsychosocial and evolutionary reflection on social relationships. In. M. Baldwin (ed). Interpersonal Cognition. (p.299-333). New York: Guilford.
Gilbert. P. (2005). Compassion and Cruelty: A Biopsychosocial Approach. In P. Gilbert (ed). Compassion: Conceptualisations, Research and Use in Psychotherapy. (p. 3 – 74). London: Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2005). Bullying in prisons: An evolutionary and biopsychosocial approach. In, J.L Ireland (ed). Bullying in Prisons: Innovations in Theory and Research (pp. 176-190). Uffculme, Devon: Willan.
Gilbert P. (2006). A biopsychosocial and evolutionary approach to formulation with special reference to shame: In, N. Tarrier. (ed) Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: The treatment of Challenging Cases.(pp. 81-112) Formulation in Complex Cases. Chichester: Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (2007). Evolved minds and compassion in the therapeutic relationship In, P. Gilbert & R. Leahy (eds.). The Therapeutic Relationship in the Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapies (p.106-142). London: Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2007). The evolution of shame as a marker for relationship security. In J.L., Tracy, R.W., Robins & J.P Tangney, (eds). The Self-Conscious Emotions: Theory and Research. (p. 283-309). New York: Guilford.
Gilbert, P. (2009). Developing a compassion focused approach in cognitive behavioural therapy. In, Simos, G. (Ed). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, a Guide to the Practicing Clinician. Volume II. London, Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2009). Evolved minds and compassion focused imagery in depression In: L. Stopa (eds). Imagery and the Threatened Self: Perspectives on Mental Imagery in Cognitive Therapy. (p.206-231). London: Routledge.
Gilbert. P. (2011). Shame in psychotherapy and the role of Compassion Focused Therapy. In, R. L. Dearing & J. P. Tangney, (Eds) Shame in the Therapy Hour. (p. 325-354)Washington: American Psychological Society.
Gilbert, P, (2011). International negotiations, evolution and the value of compassion. In, Aquilar, F & Galluccio, M (eds.) Psychological and Political Strategies for Peace Negotiation: A Cognitive Approach. (p13-35); New York: Springer
Gilbert, P., (2012). Compassion Focused Therapy. In W, Dryden (ed). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. (p.140-165). London Sage.
Gilbert, P. (2013). Depression: The challenges of an integrated biopsychosocial evolutionary approach. In M, Power (ed). The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mood Disorders: Second Edition. (p.229-288.) Chichester, Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (2013). An evolutionary and compassion focused approach to dissociation. In, F. Kennedy, H., Kennerley, & D, Pearson. (eds). Cognitive Behavioural Approaches to the Understanding and Treatment of Dissociation. (190-205). London: Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2013). Attachment theory and compassion focused therapy for depression. In, Danquah, A.N & Berry, K (eds). Attachment Theory in Adult Mental Health: A Guide to Clinical Practice (p 35-47). London: Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2014). Evolutionary models. Practical and conceptual utility for the treatment and study of social anxiety disorder. In, J.W. Weeks (ed.). The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Social Anxiety Disorder. (p. 24-52). Chichester: J.Wiley.
Gilbert P. (2014). Negotiating in a world of mixed beliefs and value systems: A Compassion-Focused Model. In, M., Gallucio (ed) International Negotiations: New York: Springer.
Gilbert, P. (2016). A biopsychosocial and evolutionary approach to formulation In, N. Tarrier. (Ed). Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: The Treatment of Challenging Cases. Second edition (pp. 50 - 89). Chichester: Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (2017). Compassion: Definitions and Controversies. In: P. Gilbert (Ed). Compassion: Concepts, Research and Applications. (p. 3-15). London: Routledge
Gilbert, P. (2017). Compassion as a social mentality: An evolutionary approach. In: P. Gilbert (ed). Compassion: Concepts, Research and Applications. (p. 31-68).London: Routledge
Gilbert P., Bailey, K.G & McGuire, M.T. (2000). Evolutionary psychotherapy: Principles and outline. In P. Gilbert & Bailey K.G (eds.). Genes on the Couch: Explorations in Evolutionary Psychotherapy (p.3-27). Hove: Psychology Press.
Gilbert, P & Gilbert, H. (2015). Cruelty, evolution, and religion: The challenge for the new spiritualities. In, T.G. Plante (ed). The Psychology of Compassion and Cruelty: Understanding the Emotional, Spiritual and Religious Influences. (p. 1-15) Praeger: Oxford
Gilbert, P & Gilbert, H. (2015). Spirituality and the evolution of compassion. In T.G. Plante (ed). The Psychology of Compassion and Cruelty: Understanding the Emotional, Spiritual and Religious Influences. (p. 231-243) Praeger: Oxford
Gilbert, P., Hughes, W. & Dryden, W. (1989). The therapist as the crucial variable in psychotherapy. In, W. Dryden & L. Spurling (eds). On Becoming a Psychotherapist. London: Routledge.
Gilbert, P & Irons, C. (2005). Focused therapies and compassionate mind training for shame and self-attacking. In, P. Gilbert (ed). Compassion: Conceptualisations, Research and Use in psychotherapy. (p. 263 – 325). London: Routledge
Gilbert, P & Irons, C. (2009). Shame, self-criticism, and self-compassion in adolescence. In, N, Allen (ed.) Psychopathology in Adolescence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert P. & Irons, C. (2013). Compassion focused therapy. In, W. Dryden & Reeves, A (eds). The Handbook of Individual Therapy Sixth Edition. (302-327) London Sage
Gilbert, P & Mascaro, J. (in press). Compassion: Fears, Blocks, and Resistances: An Evolutionary Investigation. In, E Sappla & J.Doty (eds) Handbook of Compassion. New York: Oxford University Press.
Gilbert, P. & McGuire, M. (1998). Shame, status and social roles: The psychobiological
continuum from monkeys to humans. In, P. Gilbert & B. Andrews (eds) Shame:
Interpersonal Behavior, Psychopathology and Culture. (pp, 99-125). New York: Oxford University Press.
Gilbert P & Tirch, D (2009). Emotional memory, mindfulness and compassion. In, F, Didanno (ed) Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness. (p.99-110). New York: Springer
Gilbert, P. & Trower, P. (1990). Social Anxiety: Evolution and manifestation. In, R. Cozier (ed.). Shyness and Embarrassment: Perspectives from Social Psychology. (pp. 144-177) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, P & Trower, P. (2001). Evolution and process in social anxiety: In, W.R Crozier & L.E Alden (eds) International Handbook of Social Anxiety: Concepts, Research and Interventions Relating to the Self and Shyness (p. 259-279). Chichester J. Wiley & Sons
Allen, N.B & Gilbert, P. (2000). Social intelligence, self-deception, and vulnerability to psychopathology: A challenge for the cognitive therapies? In, P. Gilbert & Bailey K.G (eds.) Genes on the Couch: Explorations in Evolutionary Psychotherapy. Hove: Psychology Press.
Allen, N.B., Gilbert, P., & Semedar, A. (2004). Depressed mood as an interpersonal strategy: The importance of relational models. In N. Haslam (Ed.) Relational Models Theory: Advances and Prospects. (p. 304 – 334). Hillsdale: Earlbaum.
Anstiss, T. & Gilbert, P. (2014) ‘Compassionate Mind Coaching’,. In, Passmore, J. (ed) Mastery in Coaching (pp225-252,) London :Kogan Page, ,
Birchwood, M., Meaden, A., Trower, P & Gilbert, P. (2002). Shame, humiliation and entrapment in psychosis: A social rank theory approach to cognitive intervention with voices and delusions. In, A.P. Morrison (ed.). A Casebook of Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis (p108-131). London: Brunner- Routledge.
Cole-King A & Gilbert, P (2014). Compassionate care: The theory and the reality. In S. Shea., Wynyard R & Lionis,C (eds). Providing Compassionate Healthcare: Challenges in Policy and Practice. (p. 68-84) London: Routledge
Braehler, C., Harper, J. & Gilbert, P. (2013). Compassion Focused Group Therapy for Recovery after psychosis. In, C. Steel (Ed.), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Schizophrenia: Evidence Based Interventions and Future Directions (pp. 236-266). Chichester: Wiley.
Goss, K. & Gilbert P. (2002). Eating disorders, shame and pride: a cognitive–behavioural functional analysis. In, P. Gilbert & J. Miles (eds). Body Shame: Conceptualisation, Research & Treatment. (p 219-255). London. Brunner-Routledge.
Henderson, L., Gilbert, P & Zimbardo,P. (2014). Shyness, Social Anxiety,
and Social Phobia. In, S. G., Hofmann. & P.M., DiBartolo. (Eds.). Social Anxiety: Social Developmental and Clinical Perspectives. (p.95-117). New York: American Psychological Association.
Kirby.J & Gilbert, P. (2017). The emergence of the Compassion Focused Therapies. In: P. Gilbert (Ed). Compassion: Concepts, Research and Applications (p.258-285). London: Routledge
Palmer, A. & Gilbert, P. (1997). Manic-Depression: What psychologists can do to help.
In, V.P. Varma (Eds.) Managing Manic-Depressive Disorder. (pp. 42-61). London: Kingsley.
Trower, P., Gilbert, P. & Stirling, G. (1990). Social anxiety, self-presentation and evolution. An inter-disciplinary approach. In, H. Leitenberg (Ed). Handbook of Social and Evaluation Anxiety (pp. 11-46). New York: Plenum Press.
White, R., Laithwait, H & Gilbert, P. (2013) Negative symptoms in Schizophrenia: The role of social defeat. In, A. Gumley, A. Gillham, .K. Taylor & M. Schwannauer (Eds). Psychosis and Emotion: The role of emotions in understanding psychosis, therapy and recovery. London Routledge
Gilbert, P. (1988). Emotional disorders, brain state and psychosocial evolution. In, W.Dryden & P. Trower (eds). Recent Developments in Cognitive Psychotherapy.(pp. 41-70) London: Sage.
Gilbert, P. (1990). Changes: Rank, status and mood. In, S. Fisher & C. Cooper (eds). On the Move: The Psychology of Change and Transition. (pp. 33-52) Chichester. Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (1991). An evolutionary approach to the conceptualisation of mental health. In D.Trent (ed) Proceedings of the First Annual Conference on Mental Health. London: Avery Press.
Gilbert, P. (1994). Male violence: Towards an integration. In, J. Archer Male Violence. (pp. 352-389) London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Gilbert, P. (1995). Attachment, co-operation and rank: the evolution of the need for status and support. In, T. Brugha (ed.) Social Support & Psychiatric Disorder. Research Findings & Guidelines for Clinical Practice. (pp. 117-141) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, P. (1996). Working with depressed people. In, R. Bayne, I. Horton & J. Bimrose
(eds.) New Directions in Counselling. (pp. 139-152) Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (1997). The biopsychosociology of meaning: In, M. Power & C. Brewin (eds). The Transformation of Meaning: Reconciling Theory and Therapy in Cognitive, Behaviour and Related Therapies (pp 33-56) Chichester: J.Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (1998). Shame & humiliation in complex cases: In, N. Tarrier., G. Haddock & A. Wells (eds.) Treating Complex Cases: The Cognitive Behavioural Approach (pp. 241-271) Chichester J.Wiley & Sons.
Gilbert, P. (1998). What is shame? Some core issues and controversies. In, P. Gilbert & B. Andrews, (eds) Shame: Interpersonal Behavior, Psychopathology and Culture. (pp 3-36). New York: Oxford University Press.
Gilbert, P. (1998). Evolution, suffering and psychotherapy. In, C. Feltham (ed.) Witness
and Vision of the Therapist. (pp 94-122). London: Sage.
Gilbert, P. (2000). Varieties of submissive behaviour: Their evolution and role in depression. In, L. Sloman & P. Gilbert, (eds.) Subordination and Defeat. An Evolutionary Approach to Mood Disorders (3-46): Hillsadale: N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum.
Gilbert, P. (2000). Social mentalities: Internal ‘social’ conflicts and the role of inner
warmth and compassion in cognitive therapy. In, P. Gilbert & Bailey K.G (eds.) Genes on the Couch: Explorations in Evolutionary Psychotherapy (p.118-150). Hove: Psychology Press.
Gilbert, P. (2002). Body shame: a biopsychosocial conceptualisation and overview, with treatment implications. In, P. Gilbert & J. Miles (eds). Body Shame: Conceptualisation, Research & Treatment. (p. 3 – 54). London. Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2003). Shame, stigma and the family: “Skeletons in the Cupboard” and the role of shame. In, A.H. Crisp (Ed). Every Family in the Land: Understanding prejudice and discrimination against people with mental illness. Revised edition, 129 – 136. London. The Royal Society of Medicine Press.
Gilbert, P. (2004). Depression: A biopsychosocial, integrative and evolutionary approach. In, M. Power (ed). Mood Disorders: A Handbook of Science and Practice (p. 99-142). Chichester: J Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (2005). Social Mentalities: A biopsychosocial and evolutionary reflection on social relationships. In. M. Baldwin (ed). Interpersonal Cognition. (p.299-333). New York: Guilford.
Gilbert. P. (2005). Compassion and Cruelty: A Biopsychosocial Approach. In P. Gilbert (ed). Compassion: Conceptualisations, Research and Use in Psychotherapy. (p. 3 – 74). London: Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2005). Bullying in prisons: An evolutionary and biopsychosocial approach. In, J.L Ireland (ed). Bullying in Prisons: Innovations in Theory and Research (pp. 176-190). Uffculme, Devon: Willan.
Gilbert P. (2006). A biopsychosocial and evolutionary approach to formulation with special reference to shame: In, N. Tarrier. (ed) Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: The treatment of Challenging Cases.(pp. 81-112) Formulation in Complex Cases. Chichester: Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (2007). Evolved minds and compassion in the therapeutic relationship In, P. Gilbert & R. Leahy (eds.). The Therapeutic Relationship in the Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapies (p.106-142). London: Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2007). The evolution of shame as a marker for relationship security. In J.L., Tracy, R.W., Robins & J.P Tangney, (eds). The Self-Conscious Emotions: Theory and Research. (p. 283-309). New York: Guilford.
Gilbert, P. (2009). Developing a compassion focused approach in cognitive behavioural therapy. In, Simos, G. (Ed). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, a Guide to the Practicing Clinician. Volume II. London, Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2009). Evolved minds and compassion focused imagery in depression In: L. Stopa (eds). Imagery and the Threatened Self: Perspectives on Mental Imagery in Cognitive Therapy. (p.206-231). London: Routledge.
Gilbert. P. (2011). Shame in psychotherapy and the role of Compassion Focused Therapy. In, R. L. Dearing & J. P. Tangney, (Eds) Shame in the Therapy Hour. (p. 325-354)Washington: American Psychological Society.
Gilbert, P, (2011). International negotiations, evolution and the value of compassion. In, Aquilar, F & Galluccio, M (eds.) Psychological and Political Strategies for Peace Negotiation: A Cognitive Approach. (p13-35); New York: Springer
Gilbert, P., (2012). Compassion Focused Therapy. In W, Dryden (ed). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. (p.140-165). London Sage.
Gilbert, P. (2013). Depression: The challenges of an integrated biopsychosocial evolutionary approach. In M, Power (ed). The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Mood Disorders: Second Edition. (p.229-288.) Chichester, Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (2013). An evolutionary and compassion focused approach to dissociation. In, F. Kennedy, H., Kennerley, & D, Pearson. (eds). Cognitive Behavioural Approaches to the Understanding and Treatment of Dissociation. (190-205). London: Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2013). Attachment theory and compassion focused therapy for depression. In, Danquah, A.N & Berry, K (eds). Attachment Theory in Adult Mental Health: A Guide to Clinical Practice (p 35-47). London: Routledge.
Gilbert, P. (2014). Evolutionary models. Practical and conceptual utility for the treatment and study of social anxiety disorder. In, J.W. Weeks (ed.). The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of Social Anxiety Disorder. (p. 24-52). Chichester: J.Wiley.
Gilbert P. (2014). Negotiating in a world of mixed beliefs and value systems: A Compassion-Focused Model. In, M., Gallucio (ed) International Negotiations: New York: Springer.
Gilbert, P. (2016). A biopsychosocial and evolutionary approach to formulation In, N. Tarrier. (Ed). Case Formulation in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: The Treatment of Challenging Cases. Second edition (pp. 50 - 89). Chichester: Wiley.
Gilbert, P. (2017). Compassion: Definitions and Controversies. In: P. Gilbert (Ed). Compassion: Concepts, Research and Applications. (p. 3-15). London: Routledge
Gilbert, P. (2017). Compassion as a social mentality: An evolutionary approach. In: P. Gilbert (ed). Compassion: Concepts, Research and Applications. (p. 31-68).London: Routledge
Gilbert P., Bailey, K.G & McGuire, M.T. (2000). Evolutionary psychotherapy: Principles and outline. In P. Gilbert & Bailey K.G (eds.). Genes on the Couch: Explorations in Evolutionary Psychotherapy (p.3-27). Hove: Psychology Press.
Gilbert, P & Gilbert, H. (2015). Cruelty, evolution, and religion: The challenge for the new spiritualities. In, T.G. Plante (ed). The Psychology of Compassion and Cruelty: Understanding the Emotional, Spiritual and Religious Influences. (p. 1-15) Praeger: Oxford
Gilbert, P & Gilbert, H. (2015). Spirituality and the evolution of compassion. In T.G. Plante (ed). The Psychology of Compassion and Cruelty: Understanding the Emotional, Spiritual and Religious Influences. (p. 231-243) Praeger: Oxford
Gilbert, P., Hughes, W. & Dryden, W. (1989). The therapist as the crucial variable in psychotherapy. In, W. Dryden & L. Spurling (eds). On Becoming a Psychotherapist. London: Routledge.
Gilbert, P & Irons, C. (2005). Focused therapies and compassionate mind training for shame and self-attacking. In, P. Gilbert (ed). Compassion: Conceptualisations, Research and Use in psychotherapy. (p. 263 – 325). London: Routledge
Gilbert, P & Irons, C. (2009). Shame, self-criticism, and self-compassion in adolescence. In, N, Allen (ed.) Psychopathology in Adolescence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert P. & Irons, C. (2013). Compassion focused therapy. In, W. Dryden & Reeves, A (eds). The Handbook of Individual Therapy Sixth Edition. (302-327) London Sage
Gilbert, P & Mascaro, J. (in press). Compassion: Fears, Blocks, and Resistances: An Evolutionary Investigation. In, E Sappla & J.Doty (eds) Handbook of Compassion. New York: Oxford University Press.
Gilbert, P. & McGuire, M. (1998). Shame, status and social roles: The psychobiological
continuum from monkeys to humans. In, P. Gilbert & B. Andrews (eds) Shame:
Interpersonal Behavior, Psychopathology and Culture. (pp, 99-125). New York: Oxford University Press.
Gilbert P & Tirch, D (2009). Emotional memory, mindfulness and compassion. In, F, Didanno (ed) Clinical Handbook of Mindfulness. (p.99-110). New York: Springer
Gilbert, P. & Trower, P. (1990). Social Anxiety: Evolution and manifestation. In, R. Cozier (ed.). Shyness and Embarrassment: Perspectives from Social Psychology. (pp. 144-177) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gilbert, P & Trower, P. (2001). Evolution and process in social anxiety: In, W.R Crozier & L.E Alden (eds) International Handbook of Social Anxiety: Concepts, Research and Interventions Relating to the Self and Shyness (p. 259-279). Chichester J. Wiley & Sons
Allen, N.B & Gilbert, P. (2000). Social intelligence, self-deception, and vulnerability to psychopathology: A challenge for the cognitive therapies? In, P. Gilbert & Bailey K.G (eds.) Genes on the Couch: Explorations in Evolutionary Psychotherapy. Hove: Psychology Press.
Allen, N.B., Gilbert, P., & Semedar, A. (2004). Depressed mood as an interpersonal strategy: The importance of relational models. In N. Haslam (Ed.) Relational Models Theory: Advances and Prospects. (p. 304 – 334). Hillsdale: Earlbaum.
Anstiss, T. & Gilbert, P. (2014) ‘Compassionate Mind Coaching’,. In, Passmore, J. (ed) Mastery in Coaching (pp225-252,) London :Kogan Page, ,
Birchwood, M., Meaden, A., Trower, P & Gilbert, P. (2002). Shame, humiliation and entrapment in psychosis: A social rank theory approach to cognitive intervention with voices and delusions. In, A.P. Morrison (ed.). A Casebook of Cognitive Therapy for Psychosis (p108-131). London: Brunner- Routledge.
Cole-King A & Gilbert, P (2014). Compassionate care: The theory and the reality. In S. Shea., Wynyard R & Lionis,C (eds). Providing Compassionate Healthcare: Challenges in Policy and Practice. (p. 68-84) London: Routledge
Braehler, C., Harper, J. & Gilbert, P. (2013). Compassion Focused Group Therapy for Recovery after psychosis. In, C. Steel (Ed.), Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Schizophrenia: Evidence Based Interventions and Future Directions (pp. 236-266). Chichester: Wiley.
Goss, K. & Gilbert P. (2002). Eating disorders, shame and pride: a cognitive–behavioural functional analysis. In, P. Gilbert & J. Miles (eds). Body Shame: Conceptualisation, Research & Treatment. (p 219-255). London. Brunner-Routledge.
Henderson, L., Gilbert, P & Zimbardo,P. (2014). Shyness, Social Anxiety,
and Social Phobia. In, S. G., Hofmann. & P.M., DiBartolo. (Eds.). Social Anxiety: Social Developmental and Clinical Perspectives. (p.95-117). New York: American Psychological Association.
Kirby.J & Gilbert, P. (2017). The emergence of the Compassion Focused Therapies. In: P. Gilbert (Ed). Compassion: Concepts, Research and Applications (p.258-285). London: Routledge
Palmer, A. & Gilbert, P. (1997). Manic-Depression: What psychologists can do to help.
In, V.P. Varma (Eds.) Managing Manic-Depressive Disorder. (pp. 42-61). London: Kingsley.
Trower, P., Gilbert, P. & Stirling, G. (1990). Social anxiety, self-presentation and evolution. An inter-disciplinary approach. In, H. Leitenberg (Ed). Handbook of Social and Evaluation Anxiety (pp. 11-46). New York: Plenum Press.
White, R., Laithwait, H & Gilbert, P. (2013) Negative symptoms in Schizophrenia: The role of social defeat. In, A. Gumley, A. Gillham, .K. Taylor & M. Schwannauer (Eds). Psychosis and Emotion: The role of emotions in understanding psychosis, therapy and recovery. London Routledge